7 Must-Know Tips for Best Press Release Distribution Services

1 year ago 233

7 Must-Know Tips for Best Press Release Distribution Services


The best press releases are the ones that get shared. That's why we often hear about them: They're being read by people who care about the topic at hand, and that can mean huge exposure for your company or organization. And yet many companies send out online press release distribution that are hard to read and don't offer anything unique or special enough to merit attention from journalists or other news outlets.

Write for the media.

When it comes to writing press releases, you have to be like a reporter. The key to this is that you should write in an active voice and use short sentences and paragraphs. Avoid jargon as much as possible and use simple language instead.

You should also make sure that your words are easy for people outside of the industry to understand. This means using short words and sentences with simple grammar rules (e.g., don't repeat yourself).

Use a "news peg."

A news peg is a story that you want to cover, and it's often used by PR pros to attract attention for their clients. A good example of this is a piece about an industry leader opening up shop in your city—if there's already some buzz surrounding the business, then you can expect more coverage from other outlets as well.

A news peg doesn't have to be groundbreaking or exclusive; it just needs to fit into the framework of what makes people interested in your industry!

Place your lead as high in your release as possible.

The first sentence should be the most important information in your release. It should hook the reader's attention and lead them to read more about what you have to say. This is also known as a "hook" or an "introduction," and it's crucial that you include one if you want people to read your press release at all—and thus potentially consider using UBMX for distribution services.

In addition, keep this lead short and sweet; two or three sentences long is optimal for best results!

Create a human interest angle to the story.

A human interest angle is the use of a personal story to make your top press release distribution services more interesting. It’s all about making your story relatable and engaging, so that people will want to read it.

  • Example: If you are writing about how your company has been successful in reaching new customers or increasing sales in a certain industry, then you could write about how one particular customer was able to get his product off the ground because of what you did for him (for example). This will show readers that there are real people behind these businesses and companies who care about them and their success as much as they do themselves!

Take advantage of multimedia.

It's important to take advantage of multimedia. Images, videos and audio can be used to help your press release stand out from the crowd. Make sure that you are using the right kind of media for your target audience; if you don't have access to a professional photographer or videographer, consider using third party multimedia instead. This way, you still get the images and sounds that go along with a good story!

If used correctly, using multimedia will make it easier on readers when they are reading through hundreds of releases each day looking for an interesting piece of content in their inboxes waiting patiently for them each morning like little puppies waiting at home all day long (except this time around I'm not talking about dogs).

Create quotes that can be used unattributed.

If you can find a quote from the company's CEO or spokesperson and use that as your source, you're off to a great start. You can also use quotes from customers or competitors, but it's important not to overdo this because there are several other ways for people to get their information without having any direct connection with your company.

Finally, if you have access to journalists who cover similar topics or industries as yours (for example: technology), reach out to them directly and ask if they'd be interested in writing about your local press release distribution!

Make sure the company's contact information is available and legible.

  • Make sure the company's contact information is available and legible.

  • Include a website address, phone number, email address and social media account if appropriate for your industry.

  • If you have a mailing address (or physical office), include that as well.

Your press release should be appealing to news outlets if you want it shared.

It's important to remember that the media is looking for content that will be attractive to their readers, viewers and listeners. If you want your press release shared by a news outlet, it should be appealing to them on these three levels:

  • Write for the media. Your message needs to be clear and concise—the last thing you want is for reporters or editors to have trouble figuring out what's going on in your story! Make sure that everything in your release has been well thought out before sending it off.

  • Use a "news peg." This can be anything from an industry trend (like "The rise of online shopping") or even just something personal (like "I love my cat so much"). Whatever kind of angle works best for each individual outlet will depend largely on their target audience's interests; try not only sticking with similar topics but also varying between them too! For example: if one publication focuses primarily on animal rights issues then perhaps another might want more information about how people adopt pets instead? Or maybe both need something else entirely? The key here is finding where each publication falls within its genre(s). Just make sure whatever information goes into each piece still makes sense when presented together along with all other elements mentioned above--don't get distracted by extraneous details like sales figures from companies who might have nothing whatsoever do do with either article topic itself; focus instead on getting those facts out there first before moving onto anything else!


The most important thing to remember is that the best press release distribution services are the ones that help you get your story out. If you take these seven tips into consideration and apply them to your own releases, then they will be more likely to be shared by journalists and bloggers alike.

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